Wonderfully demented, sassy and intriguing are just a few words to sum up Australia's own Lady of blood-lust Skye Medusa, also known as Vampi. This lady of the macabre has horror literally running through her veins and spilling over into a screamingly funny blood bath of mayhem that is her You Tube series Vampi. If you want to revel in all things vamp, then look no further - subscribe to her You Tube series now, you won't be disappointed.
We had the pleasure of luring Skye out of her coffin for this interview.

Welcome to the Film Network Journal Skye Medusa.
Skye - Thanks for having me it’s been a few years since doing WIH!
Do you remember what the first horror movie you saw was?
Skye - hmmmm not really it’s been so long, maybe the Exorcist?
Is horror therapeutic for you?
Skye - 100% no matter how shit your night has been seeing other people being killed and terrified always makes you feel better haha.
Nothing I enjoy more than relaxing at the end of the night in my coffin and watching one of my guilty pleasure horrors.
Do you ever feel like you have been geographically misplaced?
Skye - No, I have lived in many places over the centuries. My family originated in Hungary, but Australia is a pretty cool place to be and there’s not too many vampires here.
What is your go to vampire movie?
Skye - My favorite would have to be Bram Stoker's Dracula, but I find myself watching a lot from the 80s/90s Fright Night, Interview with a Vampire...
Do you think that the film industry consider horror a dirty word?
Skye - Definitely but I think the horror community is very loyal and welcoming no matter what everyone else thinks. I am excited to see horror becoming more mainstream and more people making and enjoying horror!
What is your opinion on remakes?
Skye - Ohh touchy subject for horror lovers! I don't see what the big deal is really if you loved the original the remake isn't going to replace or take that away. Some remakes can be as good if not better so I always give them a chance sometimes I'm disappointed and sometimes I'm pleasantly surprised but I don't think a real horror fan can just be completely against them.
Taking vampires out of the horror genre, what are your top 5 favourite horror movies?
Skye - I hate this question i have like a top 200? And my top tends to change often, this week:
The Exorcist
The Void
The Autopsy of Jane Doe
The Shining
On film who do you believe has played the best Dracula?
Skye - For me Gary Oldman hands down! *swoon* His performance was perfect.
Do you collect anything?
Skye - ummm YouTube subscribers? (shameless plug) In all seriousness I sorta just accumulate a lot of dead things, but I do currently own 7 coffins so I may have a problem?

What was the last television series that you binged watched?
Skye - Marianne and it was wonderfully terrifying, I would highly recommend.
What was the most recent vampire film you have seen for the first time?
Skye - A girl walks home alone at night, a very beautiful film.
Do you think that Australia has enough representation in the horror industry?
Skye - NO. Australia has so many talented horror creators but it is harder to ‘Make it big’ here as opposed to say Hollywood. I often get described as Australians Elvira, and don't get me wrong that's a compliment I’m happy to take! But aside from having large breasts and horror hosting, Vampi is a very different character.

Your favourite Australian horror movie?
Skye - Probably The Babadook, it got a lot of mixed reactions, but I loved how original the concept was.
Where would you like to be in 5 years?
Skye - Perhaps making The Vampi Show full time. Or possibly making full length episodes or a feature film :)
What do you think of werewolves?
Skye - They look cool but smell horrible…
Any advice for women wanting to create horror?
Skye - Just do it! Even if you’re afraid to do it, anyway what do you have to lose?
Where can our readers find you?
Skye - If you’d like to see some of our short horror comedy episodes check out our YouTube:
You can also find us on Instagram @skyemedusa and Patreon where you will see some more risky content and behind the scenes shots.
Thank you for your time.
Skye - Thanks for having me.
