When I watched the short film To Catch a Bunyip, I could not help but be moved by not only the fragile sadness of the story, but also the beautiful visuals. I knew that this was not just another 'short film' and that To Catch a Bunyip held much more to its essence, a true sense of loss and the ties that bind our emotions. I had the honour of interviewing the talented new film maker Bradley Gillow about To Catch a Bunyip and films in general.

Welcome Bradley Gillow to The Australian Short Film Network Journal.
BG - Thank you for this opportunity.
When did you decide to become a film maker?
BG - Early on. Growing up I would binge behind-the-scenes content from my childhood movies, and I was intrigued by the whole process. I made my first films at 11 with Lego stop motion.

Who or what inspires your creativity?
BG - I can’t really pinpoint the source for my creativity, because to me, creativity is everywhere. I am very visual and I love telling a story visually.
To Catch a Bunyip has such an aura of melancholy, however also such an understanding of
pure love, is there are a reason you made this film?
BG - Thank you. To Catch A Bunyip is a film dedicated to my mum who passed away when I was 17. She battled with Parkinson’s disease for most of my childhood. I made this film because I wanted people to know what she meant to me. Also, I wanted people with Early Onset Parkinson’s to know that their emotion’s and struggles are understood.

What is your favourite Australian film?
BG - Picnic at Hanging Rock. It was a big influence on To Catch A Bunyip in terms of how I wanted to direct it. Peter Weir has such a way with visual storytelling, where you can feel yourself being drawn into the screen.

If you could work with any actor, director etc. who would it be and why?
BG - I’d love to direct something with Robert Pattinson. His career arc from tween blockbusters to
arthouse cinema has made him one of the most interesting actors in my lifetime. I also think he’d
be pretty chill to kick back with.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
BG - Ideally, directing my own feature or editing one.
What to you and the 5 key elements to a good film?
BG -
Story - Should be a given, it’s why most people come to watch any movie. If the underlining plot
behind the film is poor, you have a poor film.
Performances - Actors are not just the face of any production, they deliver the right nuanced
emotions to the viewers.
Style - With content being widely accessible anywhere with a screen, having your own unique
visual style separates you from the pack.
Mise-en-scène - Gives depth to the film your watching. If you’re looking at any still from your
favourite movie, there are different variables that gives a shot life i.e. how a camera is positioned,
the colour palette used.
Satisfactory ending - This might sound strange, but to me a good movie that sticks with me
MUST have an ending that wraps everything with a bow. This could be a happy ending with
closure, or a cliff hanger that leaves you with questions for the rest of the day.

What is your favourite genre of film?
BG - Lately I’ve been a fan of Thrillers because of the visceral rollercoaster of emotions I get in the
moment. It makes a very fun movie watching experience for me.
If you could remake any film, what would it be and why?
BG - I’d love to remake David Lynch’s Blue Velvet. I can envision a more trippier, dreamlike version of the story.

What are you currently working on?
BG - Currently, I’m developing some future projects I hope to direct later. I’m in no rush.
How has the pandemic affected your film making?
BG - Luckily, I have been working as a freelance editor creating commercials and weddings from home before COVID-19 struck. Despite the constant threat of lockdown, I worked as editor on a project that was filmed in Winton, Qld for a week, with onset post- production.
Before heading to Winton, I had to get a Covid test and I had to wear a mask in Winton.

Where can our readers find out more information about you and your films?
BG - On Vimeo you can watch To Catch a Bunyip. https://vimeo.com/435186781
The Facebook page for To Catch a Bunyip has insight to the behind-the-scenes content. https://