Film maker, producer, writer and actor Anthony Chila is making his mark in the Western Australian film industry. I had the opportunity to ask Anthony a few questions about himself and the new short horror film Aversion, which he hopes to make into a feature film.

Welcome to the Australian Film Network Journal Anthony Chila
AC - Thankyou so much for having me.
When did you decide to become involved in film making?
AC - The actual making of films i decided to pursue in 2016. Before that I mainly acted.
Can you tell us about the short film Aversion and your involvement with it?
AC - Yes. Aversion is a short proof of concept short. It is one scene from the actual feature film we would like to make and it is designed to send to possible investors and film festivals. It is essentially about 7 individuals who have their own separate phobias. They a lured to a the mansion of the Professor who is not who he seems.
My involvement with Aversion is that I am the creator of the concept and the Producer.

What is your opinion on the Western Australian film industry?
AC - I personally think the WA film is not to bad. It has the potential to be a lot better it just needs the help and the infrastructure to do so. There have been and still are a lot of good films coming out of WA whether they be short films or feature films.
What are some of the main obstacles you have had to overcome within the film industry here?
AC - I think the biggest obstacle I have found is funding. Trying to get films funded is an absolute nightmare and from my experience crowdfunding can be and is very hit and miss. Short of funding from the main entity here there is basically little to no chance of getting funding privately. Another obstacle would be lack of studio space as well.

Who or what inspires you the most with your work?
AC - Who inspires me is the cast and crew I work with. They each have their own talent and without them I definitely couldn't do what I do. What inspires is the creativity of projects whether my own or someone else's coming to life and being shown for people to enjoy.
What is your favourite Australian film and why?
AC - My favourite Aussie film is Bad Boy Bubby. I like it because it is unique and Nicholas Hope is awesome in it.

(Still from Aversion)
What is your favourite genre of film?
AC - My favourite genre of film is Horror.
Can you tell us about what you are currently working on?
AC - I have just Co-Produced 2 short films 1 of which was another creation of mine. I am also Co-Producing a feature film I don't think I can mention the name yet and working on the final draft for Aversion the feature script.

(Still from Aversion)
Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
AC - I hope to still be alive lol. On a serious note I hope that I can keep creating and I want to have my own small studio.
Has the pandemic affected your film making?
AC- No. We were able to film the Aversion proof of concept, What's Inside and 2 other shorts.

(Still from Aversion)
What was the last television series you binged?
AC - Wynona Earp
Where can our readers find you?
AC - I am on facebook and instagram.
Behind the Scenes of Aversion
What's Inside Trailer