David Black interviews Shaun Anthony Robinson for the Australian Short Film Network Journal.

Today, I’m chatting to an amazing actor who started off in bands, moved into indie films and then broke out into the mainstream. For many of our readers, this is the dream, so it is my pleasure to interview someone who can tell you how he did it. I’m speaking today to none other than Shaun Anthony Robinson!
DB - Shaun, many of our readers might be familiar with you from having been in the feature films, “Fat Pizza vs Housos” and “Dumb Criminals”, while others might remember you from being on “Home and Away.” I’d like to ask you where this all started? How did you get into showbiz and what were your motivations?
SAR – Thanks David. So I got started out in music and I was always playing around with characters for stage or always doing voices and I thought "yeah acting would just be the natural way to progress". I didnt start taking it seriously until Andy Mcphee and a few other cast members suggested I take up some lessons if i wanted to take it more seriously , so I did. I took the advice of my fellow cast members and started the process and found some classes. Now what motivated me ,,, the secret was I always wanted to act I think the motivation came from a life of you can't, mixed with the want to create and support from family friends and band members .

DB - You have 29 credits on IMDB, which probably doesn’t list everything. It’s going to be far more than we can cover in just one short interview, so can I ask you about how you made the jump from being in a band to landing a role in the feature “Fat Pizza vs Housos”?
SAR – For nearly 10 yrs "Origin of Janken", my old band, was giging and recording. We broke up a few times members changed out, And I basically said I'm done sick of playing to no crowds, not being able to come together more we all started to slowly get sick of beating a dead horse so to speak. The band put their 100% support to my decision to leave. So I auditioned for "Bogan Hunters" and the "Housos" live gig in Newy. I woke up at the end and said thanks that was fun and yeah then I got a featured extra role on Bogan Hunters, then that went onto FPVH and then my role as Droptank in Dumb Criminals.

DB - Between your first feature appearance and making it onto “Home and Away”, you really cut your teeth doing quite a few roles in the indie film industry. Can you cover a few highlights there?
SAR – Since being in the industry I have been very lucky to have had many great opportunities. So far I have been privileged to appear in a number of Australian TV shows such as Frayed, The Secret Daughter. Indie and short films have given me some of my fondest memories of being on set. I worked on a Aussie Indie film called Event Zero directed by Enzo Tedeschi. Amazing cast amazing crew and too have the chance to work with Enzo and his amazing team was so good.
Short films ... my favorite would have to be "Dude, Can I Have My 94 Corolla Back?" Directed and written by Daniel Musial. That was super fun He is a kickass director, actor and writer, but To be honest I have had A lot of killer hilights to many to mention and Im super grateful for all the opportunites i have been given especially the indies features and shorts.

DB – “Home and Away” is one of the most well-known Aussie soapies overseas. It has been sold to over 80 countries around the world and is one of Australia’s most successful media exports. You really hit the big time there! You have to tell us all about it!
SAR – I never really thought about it like that. Thats a lot of people watching one show! Getting the call asking if i would like to play a role that was a WTF moment. I said yes i would love to audition and the i was told "No you have the role if you want it".
That was crazy and I nearly fainted. I was like Um yes, of course. Then I read the scene and worked out I was playing the cliff hanger scene for the end of the year. THIS WAS HUGE!
What made it even bigger is that I was directed by one of Australia's best directors - David Ceaser. I was a fan but i had to not fan out. I got to work with a few people that I had worked with before and Tim Franklin, who played the lead (Colby ) was one of the nicest and coolest actors I have worked with, not to mention super funny. I'm super proud to have been on Home and away I hope I have to chance to do it again or even work with David again

DB - Your journey so far has been absolutely amazing Shaun! Can I ask you what your future plans are?
SAR – Thanks David For this opportunity. My plans for the future are NOT TO STOP! lol, but yeah, I have a few projects that I have been cast in to resume once The restrictions are over. A Newcastle Tv Series - "The Local" by Rohan Everingham & Melborne Feat film "Hoodlumz" directed and written By Kam Hood. I cant wait to get stuck into both of them. I'm also planning on releasing my film into the festival circuit which has been a labour of love for the last nearly 5 yrs, so 2022 is set to be a massive year. I know I have left stuff out, but this is only one interview.
Heaps of stuff to come and I'm always wanting more. I'm always interested in finding new projects to sink my teeth into!

DB –Shaun, where can our readers follow your work?
IMDB - shaunanthonyrobinson
Facebook - www.facebook.com/shaunanthonyrobinson
Instagram - www.instagram.com/imshaunanthonyrobinson/