David Black reviews Sarah Stephenson's "Attack of the Cat People" for Oz Femme Fatales of Horror Month

"Attack of the Cat People" is a 45 minute romp into the sci fi/ horror flicks of the 1950's
If you are a cat lover, looking for cute furry, purring kittens .... then you've come to the wrong place!
The IMDB description is "In 1940, a group of Scientists discovered the remains a of Meteorite floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean."
Sarah has captured the feel and look of the old B grade movies well.

The opening credits start with a suitably spooky 1950's sound track complete with theremin sounds weaving through it.
As the camera slowly weaves through a black and white space scape, you know that you
are in for a nostalgic ride. I could almost have sworn that the Amazing Criswell had
come back to life when Samuel Peacock's narration started.

There are cut ins of old b&w footage here and there, that are blended with the new footage.
Peter O'Hanlon plays Captain John Baker, who often seems preoccupied with Diana Lawrence, played by Jessica Ham.
There's a shadowy hint about dinosaurs, we have cavemen, a Boris Badenov type villain and of course, our alien cat people. This movie really has all the elements.

Overall, it is much better than expected for a first effort from cast and crew, however, it won't
be seen as a big challenge to the big Hollywood movie houses. This will appeal mostly to fans of the old sci fi/ horror films as well as indie film lovers.
You can watch Attack of the Cat People here - https://vimeo.com/ondemand/attackofthecatpeople?fbclid=IwAR1Z9vL_sxVUxy_ynputae7K07Wa1FurD2p52Fm5pCpTIDvoSVhL4ANWnOw
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