David Black interviews Andrew Bianco for the Australian Short Film Network Journal

Andrew Bianco - the man behind "Universal Dickhead" and the Ragtime Tavern
Andrew Bianco is an amazing filmmaker, prop maker and actor. I got to see him in work when he self-shot some scenes for Toxic Alien Zombie Babes from Outer Space. Andrew played his character, “Universal Dickhead” with the craziest assortment of props that you have ever seen.
But this is really just scratching the surface of Andrew’s achievements. He is active in the Australian arts industry in writing screenplays and presenting some amazing musicians at his venue, The Ragtime Tavern”. Today, I’m lucky to be chatting to him and we are going to shed a light on this unsung hero!

DB – Thanks for taking the time to chat to me today Andrew. Before we get into your film work, tell us about the Ragtime Tavern and this amazing music scene that you have happening there.
AB - Well David, Ragtime is an extension of my lounge room, I had stepped out of the bar/music scene for a rest, but instead I built another arts hub. The heart of ragtime is the BabyGrand, and it had to rotate/spin, the bar is built around it! We have live piano shows four nights a week! But really the piano is spinning all the time! My crew are all talented piano players. We really mix it up, all styles.
We shot a doco recently at ragtime highlighting the impact of covid on the arts, some great live piano included. it be out on foxtel aurora soon. Creative Vic funded the doco and put up some serious cash to pay artists! Ragtime has hundreds of live shows and we hope to keep them spinning.

DB – I first met you when a few filmmaker friends mentioned that you had the most amazing props, a crazy car and way out costumes that you’d put together for “Universal Dickhead”. I’m sure everyone is gobsmacked and wants to hear more about that.
AB - Yer David, those guys told me about you said we should meet! Been a lot fun so far.
Universal dickhead is based on a novella I wrote some time back, I have had lot fun with it, building space helmets and car modifications. Filming, I have finally finished screenplay, not sure what’s next, I may try and shoot some more stuff, or may look for a producer. It’s a wild tale, and universal Dickheads are very unique beings. I be rebooting face book and the Instagram page with some fresh stuff now the screenplay is at a level I am happy with, I have taken most stuff down while I have been fine tuning the screenplay.

One of the Universal Dickhead helmets
DB - You’ve been working on a few screenplays. What can you tell us about those?
AB - Well, I have three screen plays complete, two half done, the complete ones still need tweaking polishing, feature movies, it’s big job as you know David. what can I say, I keep the original content tight until I am ready to push them! I will say they are all sci-fi’s.
I've been working away for a while now, building up a slate of screen plays and honing my craft. Writing a screen play is one thing, getting to a level that’s needed to sell the content, well
That’s what I am working on.

The Universal Dickhead car, with a couple of helmets on the bonnet
DB – What other arts are you into that you haven’t told me about? Now is not the time to keep secrets!
AB - well as ya know, I build stuff, like the rotating bar and the space helmets that have battery operated weapons built from disused toys I reverse engineered. I tinker with motor bikes and cars! I also like to build buildings out of what ever I can, like the mud brick house I built in my book the mud brick adventure, I love taking an artistic path on all I do, after all art is behind everything.

DB – What are your future plans Andrew?
AB – I really want to get my body of work polished and at level I feel comfortable getting out on the market. I am a little more focused on the writing as of late and not shooting film, but I do hope to shoot some teasers.
I also want to keep ragtime Tavern spinning! Get the shows rolling again, I miss the artists the music and the community, really planing on being big part of the arts recovery her Melbourne, we really have taken a beating and the artist have wore the brunt of it! It’s strange David they let some essential services operate, but the arts are shut down! No wonder Melbourne is depressed!
The arts save lives and music/film play a part in every moment of our lives.

DB –Thanks for taking the time to chat to me today Andrew. Where can our readers follow your work?